Sunday, December 6, 2009

So it begins

So I've finally done it, I've made a blog. I've thought about doing this for a fairly long time but couldn't really figure out what I would write about, or how I'd make it interesting, that kind of thing. I'll be amazed if I end up with even 1 person reading it ever.

Why have I made this blog? I don't really know, maybe I figure I can connect with people in the process of analyzing the going-ons of my life as it happens.

So I'll start with some information about myself. I'm an 18 year old male living in Perth, Western Australia. My general interests include video games, anime, 3D animated stuff, martial arts, and occult themed fiction books, among other things. I'm generally an introverted, shy, geeky person, and I have trouble meeting new people but I'm much more comfortable around the friends I already have (I'll still often stay quiet though).

I'll leave it at that for now, and I'll do more posts when life happens to me :)

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