Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Mate, there are 2 things in life that will give you grief, cars and...

...Women." That's what my step-dad once told me a year or two ago, and he's sort of on the right track too. This post I want to talk about women in a bit more depth, but not on some sort of "lol look at me I know and understand everything about women perfectly" rant, but to sort of analyze my preferences and how far detached they seem to be from the majority of society.

You see, most of society will probably think that I'm some kind of fucked up wierdo for this but I do not find supermodels attractive at all. Even the ones that aren't stick thin and actually look healthy do not do anything for me at all. Something about the "perfection" that they supposedly have in their physicality is actually quite the turn-off for me.

The most prominent example of this is that I not only find Megan Fox UN-ATTRACTIVE, but REPULSIVE! I remember telling a friend of mine this who thinks she is incredibly hawt and his reaction was hilarious. One of the things he said to me was "So you're saying if she was here and you had the option to have sex with her you wouldn't?" "Nope." He called bullshit on me but what I said is no bullshit, no sir. I just do not find that sort of girl attractive at all.

Those "super-hot" blonde cheerleader type girls? No thanks. The crazy "hot" girls dancing around at clubs and generally being quite promiscuous? No thanks. Hell, the porn stars with massive (obviously fake) boobs and all that? No thanks.

I seem to go for the odd looking girls, the "imperfect" ones so to speak. Don't get me wrong though, I still have to be attracted to them, which means I don't go for chubby girls for one (which have had a track record of being attracted to ME over the years for some reason :S), but narrowing down what I find attractive and un-attractive is no easy task, because things that I seem to find un-attractive on one girl can be attractive on another. Such is the complexity of human attraction and I'm absolutely sure I'm not the only one with this problem, It's just that I know for sure that the "super hot" type are a no go for me.

To give you an example, I was at a diner the other day with the family and there were several female waitresses, all probably around the early to mid twenties age range. The ones I remember the best were this typical "blonde hottie" and this girl with puppy fat around her chin and a sweet hair cut with this well placed blond streak thingo happening around the front. Yeah you can probably see where I'm going with this. I was definitely perving on her, she just looked incredibly cute, whereas I know my friends would've been perving on the blonde if they had have been there.

I know that for me, a girls attractiveness earns bonus points if she wears reading glasses but thats just a weird thing I have. I like girls that do interesting things with their hair (if you wanna see some examples, Google "Scene girls" though I do not necessarily find them attractive, just that their hair is typically awesome). I like girls who wear stuff that isn't the top notch high trend fashion junk (no offense to anyone that is into that, I just don't like it, also jeans are win at all times).

And it's also important to remember that attractiveness is not just about looks but personality too. I think most people forget about this when they look at people they think are hot and just focus on the looks without observing them and trying to see how they are. You can't really make a very accurate assessment though based on just looking on from a distance which is where the trial and error of dating really starts to play its part as you really need to hang out with said person if you want to get to know them.

As far as personality goes for me though, I like girls who don't think or do things because the media tells them to, or because they follow society's ideas instead of thinking critically about something and deciding for themselves what they think or feel about issues/ideas. I like girls who are NOT loud all the time, and girls who don't just want the guy to do everything. Relationships are a two way street after all. Girls who are just "weird" or different in one way or another seem to get noticed by me more than those who are just "normal" (normal and weird being completely subjective to personal opinion of course, for the purpose of this imagine it as society's idea of "normal" and "weird").

I'm not sure what else to add to this, as it seems to be a pretty good summary already. I guess the only thing that is left for me is to conquer my cowardice about approaching women and to just give it a shot. I'm fairly terrified of doing that though, despite all the self-help/alpha-male bullshit I've read through and even tried. I probably need counselling for this or something lol. Just know, quiet/nerdy/weird/not-supermodel-looking girls, that there are people that do find you attractive, they're probably all just shy like me T_T .

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